Thursday, June 28, 2012

Trial of Animoto App

Animoto App
This is my sample trial of what I created with the Animoto App.  It is by no means a finished product. 

I have used Animoto online to create my end-of-the-year slideshows for my students.  I have a free "educators account"  that you can get at .  This is my first attempt using it on my ipad as an app.  These are random picutres from my daughter's wedding.  I just had a few of them on this ipad and threw them together with one of the templates provided in the app so this is just a sample.  I used music off my ipad and then the app had a place to create a video to embed into the show.  I grabbed a photo I had at hand and that is the video you see at the end of the slideshow.  You can only shoot for 10 secs using that function of the app.  I wonder if I had a longer video already created if it would import that into the slideshow?  I will have to try that at a later date.  You can share your creations via Facebook, Twitter, Email a link or text a link.  You can also download the video to the ipad by saving it to your camera roll.  I took me all of 4 minutes to do this.  I know I will use this in the classroom this year.  Please do not repost the video anywhere.  Thank you.

Trial Run with Educreations App

Please remember this is a trial sample of something simple I created with Educreations.  You get to view it with all my "trial" errors! :)


I would use this app about the same way as ScreenChomp.  This one can have extra pages which would help the children with their their digital story creations.  It saves the video to a place in the cloud I can access and I have the ability to send and/or embed etc.  Easy to use.  As you can tell it paused the recording so I could edit the story and then return back to where I stopped.  I got cut off as soon as I hit the text button so next time I will wait until I tell what I am going to edit, hit "text" and then edit and return to the recording. 

Trial with ScreenChomp App

Please remember these are just quick samples I created to try the product.  These are by no means a finished product.
There is lots of background noise on this one because the TV was on when I made this first sample.

I took a picture of a handwriting card I have in my classroom  (the picture can be taken inside the app.)and created this (trial) video for the student to listen to first and then they would go practice this by themselves.  I think I will do this at the beginning of the year.  My new first graders come in writing most of thier letters incorrectly. This would be a simple reteach starting the first week I get workstations up and running!  Just thinking about this idea.
(Opps, the "p" got cut off in ape.) 

Possible Uses for ScreenChomp Off the Top of My Head
Small Group Targeted Instruction to Preview a Lesson
Small Group Targeted Instrution to Review or Reteach  a Lesson
Post on Blog for Parents to Preview What Will Be Taught and in What Fashion
Post Students Work on Blog
Have Students Record Thinking for Any Subject
Send to absent students via email, blog etc.
Have Students Collaborate and Create and Publish
Take Pictures of Student's Work and Have Them Narrate Meaning
Document Workstation Work Completed
Data Notebook Evidence of Mastery
Give Workstation Mini Lessons
Workstation Instructions
Students Create and Share
and .....

Please feel free to add your own ideas in the comments.  If you have used ScreenChomp please share with us what you have found to be useful in your teaching experice !

ipad Apps

I have downloaded many apps onto my ipad.  I am taking time this summer to review them  more carefully so they will be useful in my classroom.  We will be getting an ipad cart on each floor at our school.  I personally have 2 ipads that I will be able to keep in my room for daily use.  I am going to share some trials of what I create as I experiment.  All the samples will be rough but I thought my followers would like to get a quick glimpse of what I learn over the rest of the summer.  I also hope to be able to share what I learn with my coworkers when the new school year begins.  If you have ideas or great apps please share with me what they are and how you use them in the comments section.  I really don't want to just find and download great apps, I want to successfully use them to help educate my students in exciting new ways.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Scoop It

This is my Scoop It site called "My Corner of Education".

Comman Core State Standards Overview and Mathematical Practices

Grade 1 Overview
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
• Represent and solve problems involving
addition and subtraction.
• Understand and apply properties of operations
and the relationship between addition and
• Add and subtract within 20.
• Work with addition and subtraction equations.
Number and Operations in Base Ten
• Extend the counting sequence.
• Understand place value.
• Use place value understanding and properties
of operations to add and subtract.
Measurement and Data
• Measure lengths indirectly and by iterating
length units.
• Tell and write time.
• Represent and interpret data.
• Reason with shapes and their attributes.

 Mathematical Practices
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in
solving them.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique
the reasoning of others.
4. Model with mathematics.
5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
6. Attend to precision.
7. Look for and make use of structure.
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated